How to Tell If Someone is Struggling with Drugs or Alcohol

Spotting the Clues: Howto Tell If Someone is Struggling with Drugs or Alcohol

Hey there, in today'sfast-paced world, we've got a real concern on our hands – the widespread use of
drugs and alcohol. It's something we might come across in our own lives, with
friends, or even ourselves. That's why being able to recognize the signs of substanceabuse is a superpower we allneed. So, let's dive into the everyday signals that someone might be dealing
with drug or alcohol abuse. By knowing these, you'll be better prepared to step
in and lend a helping hand.

When Looks Change

You know how your friendsuddenly looks different? It could be a sign. Keep an eye out for rapid weight
changes, eyes that are bloodshot or just seem kind of out of it, shaky hands,
and nosebleeds that happen way more than usual. Oh, and if someone starts
letting their personal hygiene slide, that's something to take note of too.
Strange accidents or injuries could also be related – impaired coordination and
judgment from substance use can lead to some pretty unexpected mishaps.

Acting Out of Character

Have a buddy who'ssuddenly gone all quiet and distant? That's a possible sign too. Watch out for
major changes in behavior like going from life of the party to a party of one.
Mood swings that could give a roller coaster a run for its money, unexplained
irritability, and random bursts of anger are all in the playbook. If someone's
sleeping way too much or barely at all, that's something to pay attention to.
And if they're dropping the ball on responsibilities at work, school, or home,
it might be more than just a bad day.

Flying Solo


Ever had a friend whowas all about hanging out and suddenly goes MIA? It happens. People dealing
with substance issues might start avoiding social stuff like it's the plague.
They could lose interest in things they once loved and just keep to themselves.
This isolation thing can actually make their emotional struggles worse – it's
like a vicious cycle.

Money Matters

Running low on cash allthe time? If someone's scrambling for money a lot, borrowing from everyone and
their cousin, and making iffy financial choices, it might be connected to
substance abuse. Drugs and alcohol tend to gobble up funds like nobody's
business, and people might prioritize that over, you know, paying the bills.

Not Keeping Up


So, your usually on-the-ballfriend is suddenly dropping the ball. Their work or school performance is
tanking, they're skipping out on family stuff, and deadlines seem to be from
another dimension. Well, substances mess with your brain, and when that
happens, making decisions and getting stuff done becomes a real challenge.

New BFFs

Have you noticed yourbuddy hanging with a different crowd? Sometimes, a sudden change in the people
they're around can be a red flag. They might be spending time with folks who
are also into substance use, and the whole peer pressure thing could be at

Health Hits Rock Bottom

Substance abuse isn'texactly a health boost. Keep an eye out for constant fatigue, getting sick more
often, looking worse for wear, and dropping weight because they've got no
appetite. Drugs and alcohol can really do a number on your physical well-being.
If you see these signs, gethelp. 

The Disappearing Act

Ever had a friend whoseems to vanish at the oddest times? Those mysterious disappearances,
especially at weird hours, could be a clue. It might mean they're off trying to
score drugs, doing risky stuff, or they're simply too intoxicated to be around.



Now you've got thelowdown on spotting the signs of drug and alcohol abuse. It's not about playing
detective – it's about being a caring friend or family member. If you think
someone might be struggling, don't hesitate to talk to them. Show them you're there
to support them and help them find theright path to get the help they need. Remember, your understanding and empathy can make allthe difference.

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